I found the Lace Edging pattern in the book as well. It's just a 16-row repeat where you cast on 5 stitches, add one stitch every row, then bind off 8 at the end and start over (so it's sort of knit on the diagonal).
I can't wait to see how this looks after it's washed. It should fade like jeans!

I've finished knitting both halves of the Tsuki silk/mohair shrug. I just need to seam them together. So far it looks like it'll fit; I'm just a little nervous about the seaming bit. And the blocking bit. But just in time, the new KnitPicks catalogue has directions for blocking lace...
i can't w8 to see hoe that indigo stuff washes up..... very awesome. i need to make new dishclothes.
Oh, how intriguing with the indigo yarn!! I'm looking forward to seeing your shrug.
Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing the shrug, too. You'll have to model it for us and get a photo taken.
Hey-ho Obsidian Kitten, you have been tagged!
All you have to do is to list 5 cat blogs that you read everyday and then tag 5 others.
Have fun!
Your FOs are beautiful :)
That dishtowel will make a great addition to your kitchen! Pretty pattern too.
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