
Cats on Tuesday: Haiku Edition


The jet black princess
married to my side watches
my dreams while I sleep.

Troll-footed she kneads
gossamer trails--our slumber.
Which one is a-twitch?

Morgan Le Fay

All grey, all a-stripe
Head to heel, tip to belly
and back again, there:

A wave of graceful
motion, weaving spells, casting
her magic circles.


Queen of everything
she surveys and—we suspect—
things she does not see.

Painted by angels
I picture the days it took
to colour Emma.


Anonymous said...

I think Isis is my favorite, but Emma sure has pretty colors.

sunneshine said...

Beautiful!! The cats and the poetry!

Chris said...

Oh, that was lovely, both the poems and the photos - thank you!!

Ingrid said...

Queen Emma looks very pretty in these warm colors ! and I discover your poetic side, lol !

Puss-in-Boots said...

What beautiful haikus about beautiful cats.

I haven't a poetic bone in my body...only for naughty limericks...grin.

Unknown said...

That was lovely!
Have a nice Tuesday.

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´●๋: ●๋: Luna ●๋: ●๋:
´´´´´ ●๋: ●๋:
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FelineFrisky said...

Magnificent Haiku! Perfect descriptions! I can feel Isis' paws!

Such beauties they all are! I love the line "I picture the days it took to colour Emma." Marvelous!!! Thank you for sharing this talent with us! D :)

Beth said...

O.K. Whatever! I write a cute little poem by accident and you go and show me up.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wonderful Haiku! :) You are very talented. :) Lovely photos too!

Anonymous said...

I love the name Isis and the color. What great Haikus....you are a talent! I enjoyed today. Something different to see!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Simple Beautiful.

Happy Tuesday to all....

Anonymous said...

What beautiful poems. You have captured each kitty perfectly! Isis certainly has some toes!! I love the "troll-footed" image that you use.

Anonymous said...

The lady who lives with me really likes your poetry, but I do not like poetry. It makes my tail fizz up!

I did like the "troll footed" part because Sam, another cat who lives here, has many extra toes. We are not supposed to talk about his feet, but next time he annoys me I will say he is troll-footed! Ha ha ha!

XXXX Flat Cat=

RheLynn said...

Beautiful poetry!

kuanyin333 said...

Amazing haiku! Loved your post! Happy COT!

Suzanne R said...

Your poetry is eloquent and so perfect with your kitties!

Anonymous said...

Three female felines
One adorable, funny spouse
Lots of estrogen

--Mr. O'Kitten

srp said...

What great poems.... for lovely kitties. Did they thank you for capturing them in verse?

Diane Dehler said...

I like your haiku and your blog.

Diane Dehler said...

Thanks for visiting my space and leaving a comment.

Lately, I have been following the pet food recalls and am very concerned. Seeing all of your pretty cats makes me think of this.

Just curious- Is your llama friendly?

Best wishes and may all your fur friends remain safe.