
Greetings from Pfeffernüesse

Hi everybody!

Ms. O’Kitten hasn’t shown you any pictures of me in awhile. She says it’s been too cold to take any. I say pooh-pooh to cold! But then again, she’s not nearly as fluffy as I am. Poor Ms. O'Kitten!

Ms. O’Kitten says I’m 28 weeks old now. I’m not sure what that means, but I think it means that I’m getting very, very big.

Here I am on my way to dinner. This is pretty much the best time of day. When O’Kitten gets the dishes out, I bounce all over! Sometimes my mom and my grandma try to eat out of my dish, and I have to try to push them out of the way. They’re still bigger than me, but not for long, heehee!

But I’m not so big yet that I don’t still enjoy a little visit to the milk bar now and then...


Mouse said...

Awww... its a llama-blogger!

Ingrid said...

Thanks for the pictures ! Is she becoming a big girl ! But still going to the milk bar, lol ! It's so nice to watch her growing even at distance ! I am still in love with her loooong eylashes and this proud look !

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute!

DAWN said...

I love llama's. . . ever since the two headed llama in Doctor Doolittle. I thought that was the coolest thing ever!! I love that you have farm animals. I want some.

Chris said...

Aw, Pepper, getting so big!

Shadkitty said...

That was both funny and cute.

Anonymous said...

You have introduced me to the llama world. Pepper is so cute......

roxtarc said...

now why can't we have THESE all ove the place where i live now (instead of those creepy turkey creatures).. can i just tell ya that first picture makes you GRIN from ear to EAR! hahah