
An Indigo FO and a Shrug on the Block

I finished the indigo tea towel that I knitted using two skeins of the lovely Sirdar Indigo cotton that my PRGE secret pal sent me. I took this photo after washing it. Isn't the denim color beautiful? The Cascading Leaves pattern can be found below.

My kitchen in Hoboken was all done 1940s-ish in white ceramic tile with a black tile border. The building was built around 1900, so everything (even the pilot-less stove and oven) was very old. We'd used cobalt blue paint for the bit of wall between the tile and the very high tin ceiling. So I still have cobalt blue dishes and glassware. (You'd think my secret pal knew...!)

And I finally braved blocking my shrug. It looks like something knitted for an orangutang, or an alien with eight-foot long arm appendages, but it does fit. (Although admittedly I do have rather long arms.)

I'll get pictures of it on my actual person very soon, honest.


Puss-in-Boots said...

Shrugs do look rather strange off a person but when they're on they're very stylish.

That teatowel looks too nice to use for drying dishes. I think it should be hung on a wall somewhere, probably the kitchen.

Barb said...

I love the tea towl, very pretty pattern, can't wait too see the shrug on it will look totally diffrent :)

Chris said...

I was trying to figure out what that was! A shrug wasn't on my list. LOL!

I love the color of the tea towel. I think I need to knit with some of that!

BEESTLYproducts said...

real live knitting? the tea towel looks awesome, i still love that yarn. the shrug's not so bad either ;-)

Ingrid said...

I choose you for the "Thinking Award". It's on my blog.

mrspao said...

Those are beautiful FOs :) I love the blue of the indigo.

roxtarc said...

ok i LOVE that tea towel... and what a great picture w/the blues! and i havta tell ya.. i CRACKED UP over your organgutang comparison.. and i dont think its because it actually looks like it would fit an organgutang... just that you said orangutang... cause each time i type orangutang i kinda giggle! hahaha

oh & i knit today on the train... no strange looks.. altho i AM too busy counting & trying not to spill my coffee that i artfully balance inside my bag... to actually notice the people around me... (i'll be doing the hat trick suggestion of yours on monday) ;)

have a great wk/end! (and i miss queens too) hahah

Anonymous said...

Your tea towel is beautiful. The color is so rich!

Jodi said...

Your tea towel looks far too gorgeous to actually use! What a beautiful pattern and color.

Can't wait to see a photo of the shrug "in action."

RheLynn said...

great work on both of your projects! Quite innovative on the tea towel as well.