Seems like everyone is making baby things these days, so I'm letting you know I found a free pattern for another fab hat that I think I must make. You can do it without the adorable face on it (but why would you want to?)
Finished Objects...
I haven't only been opening packages lately (blush). I actually finished two projects. The first is yet another Cascading Leaves variation, done in my much-loved Sugar'n'Creme. It's kind of a cross between a table runner and a scarf...about the right length for a hospital tray table, knitted for a friend who's (you guessed it) in the hospital.

It's two repeats of Cascading Leaves with a six-stitch plait in the center.

...And a Shopping Spree
I spent over three hours today in one of my favorite places, The Spinning Loft, where my mom, my grandma, and I took our spinning classes over a year ago. I hadn't been there in quite awhile. I bought a new drop spindle.

Not only did Beth patiently answer my incessant questions (including giving me very detailed instructions for washing raw fleece while showing me some of her own beautiful fleeces, both pre- and post-wash), but she also gave me an hour-long drop-spindle lesson since I somehow managed to completely forget how to use a drop spindle.

Anyway, I wound up getting myself a Greensleeves Spindle, which is much lighter (and far prettier) than the starter Louet spindle I have now. And of course I needed some roving (because, having fiber animals, you can understand how I might not have enough spinning fiber here at home). So I got 4 oz. of merino and two 2-oz. packages of ingeo, a man-made fiber derived from plant starches (all renewable resources) like corn. Just look at the colors!
Anyway, the whole reason I stopped there in the first place was to get two extra bobbins for my Ashford Joy, but in all the fibery excitement I completely forgot them. Darn, guess I'll just have to go back again...
That is a really cute hat! The runner turned out really well - what a lovely idea! Those slippers look WARM.
Look at you go!! Beautiful gifts! And now there is another hat on my list to knit - too cute!! Love the roving colors - that is going to be some beautiful yarn!!
That's Totoro hat! I wish I'd had that pattern when my kids were wee; it's our favourite anime movie.
Is all this baby knitting because you are perhaps feeling a bit broody?
It is spring, after all.
so many FO's!!!! i looooooooooooooovvvvvvveeeeeee the yellow slippers!!!!!
they're really not yellow, they're Graty-colored, but the light was crappy.
i SO wanna make (and wear) that totoro hat. i don't care if people think i'm defective.
I LOVE those slippers too !!!!!!!!!!! and I'm so glad they're mine
love your Mother in Law
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