Pink sun winks down, smiles,
and sleeps. Moon, green with envy,
turns its yellow cheek. 
The advent of April sends
Project Spectrum in quest of pink, yellow, and green.
Signs of Spring
When I brought Mr. O’Kitten home from the hospital, these beautiful flowers were waiting for us on the deck—a surprise from my parents. How sweet!
Our forsythia bushes are beginning to bud...
...but they’re already blooming right next door.
Other intrepid plants are sending up shoots...
...and preparing to blossom.
Out in the garden, the raspberries are springing to life...
...and I found lots of strawberry plants eager to see the sun.
Sprouting rhubarb plants seemed particularly beautiful, even if they do look a bit like brains.The Asparagus Crew
The weather so nice out that I decided to clean out the asparagus. I had lots of helpers. When we began, it looked like this. Those aren’t old weeds, but last year’s asparagus all gone to seed.
Here’s one of my stalwart helpers. Chickens just love to mulch. This lovely Wyandotte hen is demonstrating her technique. Note how she carefully mixes the moist soil with llama beans for optimal pH balance.
Here my assistants work on the nearly completed asparagus row. You can see what a nice job they’ve done.
Odo confers with crew members...
...and an Orpington admires her work.
Your helpers are great. I really want to get some chickens, but have to get a house first.
What wonderful helpers you have! Chickens are on the list of things that Mousie is not allowed to have.. along with snakes, scorpions, and sheep. So says my husband anyway.
HAPPY SPRING...What a great season!!!!
The rebirth of Mother Nature...Love it. :) did that happen??? That was my comment. cxvwirs was the word verification...stange...
looks like dinner to me!
Your so beautiful!!
glad Mr. OK is BacK!!!!!!! look @ all that life!!!! i should plant my basil tomarrow.
Glad to hear Mr O'K is home again!
You are making me like chickens. Cut it out.
So cute....
they ARE cute!
and they totally crack me up.
Wow - what talented helpers you have in the asparagus :) I'm starting to rethink if we want a chicken coop down here or just to admire Miss I's chickens up the road!
The helpers - so very funny and cool!
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