
Cats on Tuesday: Girls on Film

They were sleeping...

...but Isis peeped an eye open when I crawled up on the couch to get a better camera angle.

Some odd game of guess-who/poke-your-nose ensued while they got comfortable again...

...and soon fell back into a sound, snuggly sleep.

~ ~ ~ Thanks for all the well-wishes regarding Mr. O'Kitten! He came home today and we're all very happy to have him back. ~ ~ ~



Suzanne R said...

Your pictures are so very cute! I love the poke-your-nose game and then that they went back to sleep. I'm also glad that your kitty is home. It's always hard to have them gone.

Brenda said...

Such cute kitty photos!

I hope Mr. O'Kitten continues to improve!

srp said...

Our two sisters snuggle together. They will often wake up, have a hissing spat and then fall back to sleep within the span of just a few minutes. I love the contrast in colors in your kitties!

Ingrid said...

How nicely the are cuddled together ! My cats don't do it, each of his own is the devise ! Lisa/Emma hates when Arthur wants to sleep besides her, not to speak of the others. Arhtur the poor guy tries to put his head on Pookie's back but all he gets is a slap and a hiss !
I looked at your chicken pictures too, I also took pictures of the three with little yellow chicken, but they are so snob, they hardly sniffed at them !

Meow (aka Connie) said...

What wonderful photos. Cats are just beautiful critters, and when they are play fighting and cuddling, it is just gorgeous.
Take care, Meow

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cute! Both are beautiful girls. :) They look so comfortable snuggling together.

Glad to hear that Mr. O'Kitten is home!

Luna und Luzie said...

Cute cosy cuddle photos ! Cats are wonderful to observe .
Have a nice day :)

Anonymous said...

Fun photos...they look so cute!

Jodi said...

How precious is that?? Have a great Tuesday!

Unknown said...

Your pictures are so very cute!
I want a brother for sleepy with him.

●๋: ●๋:
´´´´´●๋: ●๋:
´●๋: ●๋: Luna ●๋: ●๋:
´´´´´ ●๋: ●๋:
´●๋: ´●๋: ´●๋: ´●๋:

Have a nice Tuesday!

Chris said...

Yay, Mr. O'Kitten! Welcome home.

Love yer yin-yang kitties. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the those pictures. I am always taking photos of the sleeping contortions myself. I always want to post ones of them play fighting as well but I hesitate to post headlines like " Young Girls Wrestling" or " Kittens Dueling on The Bed" on the internet. You know...

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! Don't you love it when they cuddle like that? It seems as though all is well with the world!

Anonymous said...

Those are amazingly beautiful pictures. Mine never turn out like these. Love the lighting and the shiny shiny fur as well as the cat lovin'.

kuanyin333 said...

Beautiful photos of your babies! Happy COT!

Obsidian Kitten said...

thanks for all the nice comments!

aw, i looove my snuggly girls...lol

i have to admit, i *never* got pics like these until i got a new camera at Christmas. with my older digi Isis was too black, and Morgan was too grey, so it'd get confused, and anything closer than about 30" got blurry.

i love that this camera gets good close-ups. i also recently discovered (i know, i'm a bit slow) that this lens compensates for minimal light, and i actually turned the flash off and got these shots just with the room lamps on (and my living room is pretty dimly lit). so no more glowy/squinty cat eyes.

it actually reminds me a lot of my old SLR...except, you know, it's digital.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Cats....

We are so happy your hubby is home. Hope you are both having a good day.

MsFortuknit said...

See them walking hand and hand across the brigde at midnight(bearwn,budtah bumpa!) ....

RheLynn said...

ahhh.. Morgan and Isis make the cutest semi ying-yang kitty poses ever -- hugging and snuggling :)

So glad Mr O'K is home and you two are together again.