
Emma Takes a Bath (and 2 other wordless stories)

Emma Takes a Bath

Morgan Spies a Gnome

Isis Gets New Toys


Chris said...

Awww... Isis looks so similar to May in these pictures!

DAWN said...

Isis is BEAUTIFUL! not to knock the others, but I have a soft spot for black kitties. I love the last photo very much.

Ingrid said...

How is it possible that I missed you ?? Shame on me I must be suffering Alzenheimer ! and on top you have my beloved Emma taking a "bath", lol ! My little group is very happy for the moment because it's so sunny and warm outside we had up to 28° (around 80F)It never happened.
BTW the "Thinking Blog" becomes a fashion ! I was really touched and surprised the first time, thinking it was something special, but now I have got it already 3 x (!) and just ignore it, I can't put 15 links, that's compmletely crazy. That would make 20 Thinkers only for me ! Now I know where to put future "awards", but of course I had to learn it first. You will see in the future we will have more "Blog thinkers" than bloggers, lol !
Can't you invent an "award" with a logo of Pepper ? THAT I would put in my sidebar !!