It's simple: What is the first sentence you posted in each month of 2006?
A new year, with a few somewhat warm and rainy days in Mid-Michigan. [oh, yawn! It probably looked like the following picture.]

[Hm, no posts.]
[Still nothing--what was I doing, hibernating? I think I put myself to sleep with that January post.]
Little but the grass is green here in Michigan, but it's warm enough to let the chickens run about outside during the day; they root in the flower beds and scavenge through the dead leaves, turning up moist earth as if their feet were little plows.
Btw, I got the seed stitch border idea from the "Big Bad Baby Blanket" in Debbie Stoller's Stitch'n'Bitch (pp. 187-88).

Well, why not make a toy for a fur baby that doesn't have a home yet?
I haven't been able to sit still for very long lately, so I began needle-felting some cat toys. [Oh, wow, the girls were so little then! There are some sickeningly cute kittens in this post...where'd they go? I can't resist forcing you to take a gander...]

Look what my mother-in-law gave me!
Okay, so I was only away for a few days, but I haven't posted for two weeks.
O'Kitten has been busy with a strange visitor.

So now Lily Sugar'n Cream is my new best friend.
I'm just back from York/Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Well, uh, gee...that wasn't as exciting as I'd hoped, but it was kind of cool to page back through old posts and pictures. I promise I didn't cheat (tempting as it was!) but I did try to spice it up with a few pics here and there. Maybe I should try working on some of my opening lines, eh?
Lol ! and Muahahaha (it's known to me I think it's meauw in spanish !) Just wanted to let you know that I published on Lisa at my cat blog. I decided to do it more often as now I am more organized with my blog work. If you use the notify thing on the blog you would get an email each time I blog.
Little Pepper has a lot of success amongst my friends !
Hee hee - I was SO tempted to cheat when I found out how boring my sentences were! Yours were way better than mine, if that was any consolation!
And wow, furbabies grow up so fast. *sniff*
That Chinese(?) character blanket is too cool. Love it.
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