
Introducing Cats on Tuesday

My friend Gattina has some cats that she writes about (also some beautiful paintings and photos of her exotic travels). She has begun something called Cats on Tuesday.

For those of you who like reading about crazy O'Kitten's feline cohabitants, you can now look forward to Tuesdays, the day of the week upon which this blog will mindfully highlight the adventures of the true rulers of the O'Kitten household. (As they say, "Dogs have masters, cats have servants.")

For those of you who may not be so fond of cats, you can now avoid Tuesdays, and join us tomorrow for our regularly scheduled programming--which, as you have probably learned by now, may or may not include cats, or llamas, or chickens and eggs and knitting and other random events in the life of O'Kitten.


This is Emma, the queen of the lair. Full name: Emma Fife Peel, named for my great-grandmother, Emma Fife, and the Emma Peel of the old Avengers television show (because an avenger she is, indeed).

It is very difficult to photograph an Emma, because she is blonde, red-head, and raven-haired all at once. (I've often thought someone must spend extra time painting these dilute tortie cats before sending them down to live on our planet.) In places she has small patches of solid colors, in others a slight tabby, but mostly just crazy-mixed up whirls of color. Her eyes are even two slightly different colors (one orange-yellow, one green-yellow); her paw pads alternate from pink to black toe by toe; her whiskers are both black and white.

She was a fierce little stray kitten living under a dumpster in Kearny, NJ when we found each other. (I'll save this adventure for another post.) Emma, now seven years old, rules her two humans and two adolescent kitten charges with an iron paw, but enjoys a good stretch and will allow a belly-rub upon occasion.

The Girls



At left: Morgan Freeman LeFay, born 7 February 2006, grey tabby

At right: Isis Kyle, born 25 March 2006, black (mostly)

Can't a girl get any sleep around here?

I realize now, looking at the above photos, just how much bigger Isis has gotten than Morgan (who remains ever the agile, slim, and graceful one of the pair). We still call them Moose and Squirrel, but in those top two photos, Isis really does look quite the Moose! (And it's not just those polydactyl toes in the foreground, either...)


Ingrid said...

Lovely post ! Finally I could meet everybody in one shot ! It's true that Emma looks like my Lisa and the funniest thing is I called her Emma in the beginning when we got her ! But Mr. Gattino & Son, did'nt like this name and called her Lisa. My grandmother's name was also Emma !

The only thing you forgot is to put the little label (the cat sitting on the toilet) on the top of this post and then you commented in the wrong post on my blog ! and didn't put your link in "Mr. Linky". Nobody can find you then. Mr. Linky is very easy for everybody (that's why I put it on my blog) because when people are coming and enter their link, they just can click on the others and get the blog immediately. I hope I didn't talk chinese !

Mouse said...

Awww.. I'll definitely look forward to Kitten Tuesday or whatever you're calling it.. I love me some kitty photos.

Amy said...

How awesome! I was starting to wonder how many kitties rule your house; now I know.

MsFortuknit said...


Glaistig said...

Emma, Morgan and Isis. You have the best names for your kidster posse. I didn't realize how young Morgan and Isis are!

So Queen Emma keeps the others in line :) Torties are such incredible little color kaleidoscopes. The first cat I ever had (adopted upon marriage) was a tortie. She was sweet but so strong willed! True majesty.

Anonymous said...

Hello from Long Island, New York and Happy Holidays.

Cats on Tuesday, how delightful. Just love all the pictures of your kitties and look forward to seeing many more each week.
As you know we only have one cat, Otto, but he is a handful. So to speak, he is paws on and lets us know exactly what he wants and when he wants it. Otto is a lap cat(thanks to my hubby) but you need to have a blanket on your lap before he jumps up. The Christmas tree is up and decorated but he is trying to take it down one Christmas ball at a time. So we have a few broken ornaments, what the heck, he makes us smile each and every day.
Hope all you cat lovers and dog lovers(as I love dogs too) have a most wonderful day.

Chris said...

Good to get to know Emma a bit better! I suppose Isis is still growing?! :) For the first year+ of Chaos' life, everyone exclaimed over how big his paws were - and he grew into them, finally. Fortunately, Mayhem's paws are proportionate, so I'm hoping she's going to be a more delicate cat...

mrspao said...

I love Cats on Tuesday :)

Anonymous said...

Emma Fife Peel, lovely name for a lovey kitty! I'd like to hear her backstory too.

Cats on Tuesdays sounds fabulous! Cats every other day too.