My mom has this thing about apples, so I made her an apple potholder/warshrag thingie and a placemat. Okay, it's supposed to be a set of placemats, but I only got one and 3/4 of another of them finished and now mom & dad are heading south for the winter, so they got a knitting IOU instead. Not that they care.
Somehow this seems eerily reminiscent of the loopy potholder phase I went through back when I was 7 or 8, when everyone in the family got about 18 of those things for Christmas one year, but oh well. Mom and Dad seemed happy.
I've got plenty of other works in progress, more to come...
Glad to see you're snapping out of da funk. I thought I had a touch of that but mine turned out to be old-fashioned laziness. I've got an extra gene for laziness.
So did you guys come home to an ice storm?
Keep checking your mailbox. I promise it won't explode! :D
Gus is definitely a camel. He belongs to the local Bahia Shrine Camel Herders.
Glad the apple pattern worked well for you. It looks very nice. I thought it was fun to do. Placemats are a GREAT idea. I may borrow that one. :-)
I love Lancaster Co. We used to have a place near Bowmansville/Maple Grove.
I adore you! Did you get my message love?
As I posted, my sister would adore these! Nice work sweety
They turned out really cool - that's a great apple. Not too "cartoony" if that makes any sense.
I remember the loopy potholder phase - made what seemed like millions of those!
Love the placemats, such a good and useful idea!
And what a great guy Mr. O'Kitty is - what a cool trip and thoughtful gesture!
prettu fancy, i <3 the placemat!
Oooh - much better than the loopy potholders - the apple motif really looks great!
"Loopy potholder phase." Classic. Love the knitted shine on those apples!
What a great surprise trip! Awesome of mr o'kitten.
Cute apple kichen ware! And IOU's. My favorite thing to give at Christmas, actually.
You know, I actually SAW a bag of those potholder loops and the little square loom at a (wait for it) CRACKER BARREL in Pennsylvania last week! heehee!
you know how Cracker Barrel has that freaky gift shop in the front that's kind of horrifying but you can't (well, I can't) help looking at all the crackpot stuff in it anyway?
it was Mr. O'Kitten's first Cracker Barrel experience (he's from NYC, remember--we didn't have the Barrel'o'Crackers there...)--i rly crave their Chicken'n'Dumplins every now and then...mmmmmm....
i remember my dad (or grandpa maybe) making us little wooden potholder looms, though. this one was just plastic, but the bag of loops sure looked the same!
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