
Hello, World!

The White Queen was not too happy about me lifting up her skirts so I could photograph the new arrival, but at least she didn't peck me. She resigned herself to the indignity, as if she knew the baby was so cute that it just had to be admired. I didn't bother them for long.

Just long enough to get a couple pics. Look at its tiny feet! And it survived its first night; so far, all is well with the world. Timmy is back on her own nest, and I really hope one or two of her eggs hatch, because she so badly wants a peep of her own.


Anonymous said...

Have you named your new chick? He/she? is so cute. I bet that fuzz is so soft.

Mouse said...

eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! (that's me squealing like a girl.. I have nothing intelligent to say at all..)

Shadkitty said...

PEEEEP! Oh so cute! I can't wait until Heather sees. :D

Chris said...

Peep peep peep!!

Barb said...

awww so sweet :)

Obsidian Kitten said...

Timmy and the White Queen are still fighting over this poor chick.

Meanwhile, Timmy's been neglecting her own eggs, trying to lay claim to the one hatchling. I keep finding the White Queen on top of Timmy on top of the little chick--who, at least, is so far doing okay despite all the excitement. (The two mommies appear to exact their fighting techniqes very delicately, so as not to harm the tiny baby.)

Maybe the wee thing will just have two mommas...

Ingrid said...

It gets worse and worse with you ! now you are also looking under hen's skirts ! I don't know what I should think ! I am shocked ! I look like "The Queen" when she sees an exhibitionist !
I think I will never eat a chicken again and become vegetarian since you presented me your hens !
And that yellow fluffy baby is soo cute !