Morgan found the houseplants. She is quite the climber, after all.
I just didn't think she would find her way up that close to the ceiling this soon.
And yes, plant did wind up meeting floor shortly thereafter. (And you thought nothing exciting ever happened at the O'K Corral...)

Some buttons may be yours...scroll down and vote
on the O'Kitten button if you have not yet partaken in the votefest.
And if you have...O'K thanks you!
what kind of plant is that? i hope it's not poisonous to kitties... a friend's kitty passed away after eating some flowers she had in a vase. after hearing that, i am limiting my houseplants to orchids, which are kitty safe. i think there's a list somewhere online, if you haven't seen it already. but yes, kitties like to play with plants. tyson nibbles on my orchid leaves all the time. so i got him a catnip plant and he is biting that more these days... woo hoo!
Aww such adorable kittys! I have a daft white cat who dosen't do anything much of a muchness apart form wail at me loudly every so often.
nd of course destroy my house at every available opportunity, goodbye curtains! I'm off to join the circus!
The look so innocent ....LOL
LOL! All of our plants have teeth marks in them... except the lemon tree, i read somewhere they h8 citrus.
hhehe great pics of Morgan's expedition to Mount Houseplant :o) They do put on the 'innocent' look well, don't they? ;o)
Pretty amber coloured buttons too!
Ahhh, she must be a jungle cat.
Look at those sweet faces - how can you suggest either of them did something naughty??
I voted, can I claim dibs on one of those beautiful tortoise shell buttons?????? PLLLLLLEEEEEEASE??
I take comfort in the fact that you too have crazy, plant eating, crayon stealing, curtain climbing, yarn eating cats.
Ok, maybe you just have the plant eating cats.
Hi Babe-
You and Rachael need to get your cats together and see what happens! hahaah
Ok So I think I want to retract my original statement and claim the amazing Black Fuzzy buttons your right theyre beautiful!
Very innocent! Wild jungle cats.
I believe my cat has the power of flight. I've found him on top of the kitchen cabinets recently. He only tends to chew on my plants if he sees me looking at him and he wants a way to piss me off.
He lives for that crap.
i don't think those rly are tortiseshell, but they sure look like it...
and take heart, they DO climb curtains and eat yarn.
as for poisonous plants, i took the asparagus fern outside months ago, b/c i heard that one was a bad one. the flowering one is angel-wing begonia. unfortunately i DON'T know what that viney thing is. now i'm thinking maybe ALL the plants need to go outside into a catfree zone...rggggh...
btw, that white blob in the middle of the button photo is a penny for size. and there are three of the whirly black-n-blue buttons, only one was hiding when i took the photo. (sry for the crappy pics, my digi refuses to do decent close-ups...)
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