
Gluttony of Buttonry, or Win! Win! Win!

MsFortuknit made me some buttons! Now I don't know what to do. I need some opinions! I need YOU to VOTE!

I like the kooky Hell'o'Kitten button you see now on the sidebar, but Sanrio will probably come and get me someday. Case in point: Starbucks came after a friend of mine some years ago for making a Star&ucks sticker. I will not fill in the blank "&" for you here, but it was not the letter B or even the letter S. It was very Funny. Anyway, they made him pay. How did they every find out? Who knows? They are everywhere...

If you are kind enough to vote, I will put your name into a hat and there will be prizes. Yes! Prizes! Morgan and Isis will draw from the hat, and the winner will receive a set of ObsidianKitten bionic fridge maglets and a box of buttons. Yes, buttons! The kind you can sew onto things. I will post a photo tomorrow to entice you. I have some vintage buttons and boxes of many sizes--large to small, many that actually match. Enticed? Vote by midnight Saturday, July 15 (EST) to win win win!

Please choose from:
No. 1: Cheshire Cat Juggling Green Yarn

No. 2: Cheshire Cat with Yarn Under His Hat

No. 3: Black Kitten (black and white)

Now, vote ahoy!


Midnight Purls said...

I really like #3. It's so cute!

Jaime said...

#3. It's adorable! :D

tawnyatay said...

My vote is for #3. Way cute!

BEESTLYproducts said...

#3 :-)

Holly said...

I like #3. It's easy to read and adorable.

metal and knit said...

#2 it has to be dont we all hide our stash somewhere like that

Anonymous said...

I vote for # 3 too. HUGS!

Anonymous said...

#3 is the best.

Anonymous said...

Another vote for #2 --

Stephieface said...


Mouse said...

While I love the cheshire cat.. I think I'm going to have to go with #3 as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh, #3 has come to mean "you" to me.

sienna said...

I've got to go with the little black kitten...so #3 for me!

Dana said...

Guess I'm a follower, but I liked #3 as soon as I saw it at the top of your blog! That's my vote!

verasunshyne said...

#3 -I love it!

MsFortuknit said...

Well I hate the absolute cuteness of that kitten in #3, and I love that crazy guy tossin the balls about, BUT THEYRE GREEN, ANYHOW BABE!! hahah, im partial and as you know number two is my favorite! Just one and two need a little bit more cleaning up.... Oh wait this doesnt pertain to me does it? hahah Im sorry you know im waiting for my friend to arrive so ive got my fiesty pants on today! grrrr kisses dolly!
Your an angel!

Anonymous said...

Man am I the only one voting for #1. I love #1, and after that #2, but then I've always been a lover of the Cheshire.

if I say 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a million times will get it get more votes?

MsFortuknit said...

good eye bekah

Severina said...

#3! Woooo black kitty

RheLynn said...

They're all cute but I vote for #3 because it looks like Isis!

Gothknits said...

No. 3.

especially since through the looking glass is way superior to wonderland.

Chris said...

#3! The others are so not Obsidian. :)

PBnJ said...

I vote for #2. But I really like #3 too.

Obsidian Kitten said...

wow! thanks everyone for voting!

maybe black kitten can be lifting up her ears to reveal she is actually juggling balls of green yarn underneath?

Anonymous said...

#3 for me please. the sketch somehow makes it very unique (especially in the world of typical weblog buttons). and i love the black and white... it just fits :)

Knitted_Painting said...

I think #3 is best too it fits your blog and now I've been reading your blog a few times I associate that picture with you =)

Stephanie said...

Graphically I like #2 but "kitten" matches best w/ #3. I'll go w/ #3 (love those Tenniel illustrations btw; much better than the Disney)

Grace Garton said...

I agree with eden, blah to disney(although Alice in wonderland is my favourite story).
I like #3 too.
Maybe add something to either side of the text like paw print or a pair of knitting kneedles under the text?

Carrie K said...

I'm partial to Obsidian Kitten.

chittavrtti said...

Though I dearly love the Cheshire Cat (and the voice for him was the same as for Friar Tuck in Disney's Robin Hood, which makes me think he was also Kaa in the Jungle Book, oops I digress :) No. 3 is the one I like.

And as Carrie pointed out 3 most matches your blog name ***CV