
The Ministry of Silly Hats

One of the first hats I made for myself after I learned to knit was the Kittyville Hat. (It's also in S'n'B vol. 1). I think everyone should have at least one hat with animal ears on it.

I also made wristwarmers to match. I keep meaning to post my easy-peasy pattern, but haven't gotten around to it yet. (Email me at sohopixieATtdsDOTnet and I'll send it to you.)

I found some white cheneille-y stuff in my closet so I started the bunny beanie tonight and got the beanie part finished. Now I get to make some ears. Yay!

If you want to make more odd headwear for small children, I really adore this cupcake hat. (And hey, I'm all about the free patterns.)

Even better, perhaps, is the Baby Viking Hat. (I think you better just go see it to believe it.) If you don't make it for a child of your own, you should definitely make one to torture the parents of some other child.

There's also a Pineapple Hat, but somehow tropical fruit just lacks the panache of the Vikings for me.

And if you really want to freak everyone out, you can make the Gollum Hat. Monster Crochet is one of the most entertaining blogs I know of (crocheted Severed Fingers, anyone? or Fried Egg Wristcuffs, or a Big Strip'o'Bacon chart?). I love it, even though I can't follow a crochet pattern (yet)...

Okay, back to my CSI reruns and bunny beanie ears.


Obsidian Kitten said...

i'm a lunatic...it's 6am BUT i did get beanie and one ear finished while watching X-Files re-runs. it's SO cute i think i'm going to be ill.

Zenknitter LesleyD said...

Those are my knit times too 11Pm til???? usually 1:30-2 AM watching the same exact shows or some cheesy movie on HBO

Mary the Digital Knitter said...

Forget babies. I need a grown-up version of the Viking Hat. It'll look great with their "Remember, it's rape, pillage, and then burn" tee shirts.

Why, yes, I do know some odd people. How did you know?

Chris said...

Whoa, Gollum hat - creepy!!

Anonymous said...

i love the cupcake cake! I have to make one for my neighbour who's expecting.
I did make the bunny egg cozies last year, to hide some easter eggs in them for the kids, in proper egg cups. Couldn't resist.

Lyssa said...

Hey, I think you win the contest on my blog...send me an address at lyssa_kaehler at yahoo.com and I'll send you some goodies!


RheLynn said...

Great collection of silly hats ;o) Sounds like a good way to spend your night - with reruns and knitting!

Take care and hope your kitties are cuddling you too :)

RheLynn said...

and congrats on the blob contest win!

BEESTLYproducts said...

yay for sweeeeet hats!

Anonymous said...

You've inspired me to go looking for silly hats and I found this one which I thought you might enjoy also.

Ha! ;)

Obsidian Kitten said...

ooooh...i won sumthin? woo-hoo! for real & not for fake? goody!

And Mary's idea would be great cross-stitch sampler for my house:
"Remember, it's rape, pillage, and THEN burn"


Obsidian Kitten said...

omg, the squid baby hat is just fabulous--and the saga of its battle with the black cat (i daresay it's not chaos...but could very nearly be!) is a side-splitter!


thx you guys for giving me some good giggles before i'm off to the hospital to see mr. o'kitten! then i'll be home to finish bunny beanie ears!

Ingrid said...

Are you participating at the hat parade of our Cyber Cruise, lol ? I had to dress my cats with hats, but with pikipimp I don't have photoshop and it would be impossible to put hats on my cats !

Puss-in-Boots said...

Both my daughters had winter hats with cats' ears on them. They were so cute.

I haven't crocheted for about 30 years. I used to do all sorts of things, plus I was an avid knitter but it's too hot here to handle wool, even in winter and I've just given it away. I like to see what you have done though, keep it up.

Bex said...

I'm so glad you like my silly hats! I swear that I'll add more to the already existing cupcake, viking, and pineapple. Had requests for an elephant hat.