
Foxy Socks and Cat Yoga

Foxy Socks

I got a package from my PRGE Secret Pal today. Not only did it smell like the U.K. and have all kinds of yarn-y goodness in it...

...but it contained this fantastic pair of socks that Isis and I were both quite smitten with.

Apparently they were quite tasty.

Not to mention fuzzy, black and red and toasty!

In the Bag

Everyone becomes very intrigued when it's time to empty the litterboxes. For some reason, I suddenly have several assistants (usually waiting with full bowels and/or bladders to use the freshly cleaned box). Here's the scene this week when I had one nice (supposedly) empty kitty litter bag.

Morgan: What are you looking at?

Isis: Hey! You aren't kitty litter!

Morgan: Well, of course I'm not kitty litter, dummy...do I look like garbage (or worse) to you? [muttering under cat-breath] Not that I'd ever call you trash, you silly weed--despite the fact that they gave you thumbs when they were handing out brains...

Cat Yoga (Emmalayana Style)



Ingrid said...

I really had a good laughter at that ! and will immediately try to do the same Yoga excersises !

Suzanne R said...

I love your kitty pictures! My Socks loves crinkly bags. I'm not sure any of my cats are quite as limber as your cat, though. ;-)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those socks look like great toys! :)

I like to help clean the litterbox too. When there is fresh litter in it, of course I have to use it to mark it with my scent!

Wonderful photos. :)

Celeste said...

I would love to be able to do kitty yoga! Great shots

RheLynn said...

Isis and Morgan have really grown up! Very cute kitty pictures :o) Emma, wow can you stretch!

Luna und Luzie said...

Great pictures! A cat in the bag, cute !!!
Yoga is good to do, but like this ?We humans have a problem with our legs...

Chris said...

Hee hee - fabulous photos! My kitties are the same way, lurking about the litterbox, waiting for it to be cleaned so they can use it. And if I clean it, then lurk around waiting for them to use it so I can clean it again... they wait.

Love the "Isis" socks! ;)

FelineFrisky said...

Oh, packages are very exciting, as each one comes with a kitty gift! The box!!! We all love the boxes!

Pottybox cleaning is a Daddy thing. But we line up as soon as he's through! Daddy hates this, double the work!

Lovely yoga exercises! Such beauty in a small framed kitty!

Love your pictures! Thanks! D :)

srp said...

Those look like wonderful cozy socks and with the stamp of approval of a cat, how can you go wrong.

Our cats get into all sorts of things; big boxes, small boxes, paper bags, sleeping bags, bean bags... but never a plastic litter bag. They do mill around when I am doing the litter cleaning work and have to christen the new batch as soon as it is put in the box.

We once had two automatic Litter Maid cat boxes that clean the clumps automatically. They only lasted a year before breaking. I think this was because the cats were so fascinated, they would do some business and sit there for ten minutes watching and waiting for the scoop to start up. Then as soon as it was finished, they did it again. Wore the motor out.

Mary the Digital Knitter said...

It's not just cats who hang around with their little legs crossed until the litter pan is spotlessly clean, you know.

More times than I care to remember my dogs (all collies) would lie and watch me pick up everything they'd left in the back yard, perhaps with a modest amount of disdain. Then, after I'd put away the pooper scooper and tied up the trash bad and taken it to the garbage can, they'd rise, walk to the middle of the lawn, and make a new deposit.

I can never figure out whether they think I really want the stuff, or whether they're showing me where it comes from, or whether they're just trying to mess with my mind. I have read that this, like marking with urine, can be a way of marking territory, though.

Obsidian Kitten said...

I wonder if Mary's right...maybe they DO think I really want their stuff, and I'm saving it for a rainy day! (i mean, i do bag it all up and put it away in a container...) heehee!

or, since they may be inclined to think we humans aren't so bright, they want to instruct us (yet again) as to where it all comes from--"See? Here I go...I squat here...it comes out THIS end..." [aside to the other dogs] "Jeesh, I can't believe I have to show her this every single day...."


kuanyin333 said...

Cat yoga! Of course....cats are always the teachers...they were the first to do yoga too!

Anonymous said...

Great photos :) That's a great hiding spot Morgan! and Emmalayana, those are some awesome poses! Namaste! Happy Tuesday :)

Anonymous said...

Nermal says thanks for the story! I agree with you, cats, especially grey one, have one thing on thier minds...food :)

Andree said...

I cracked up looking at those wild eyes on Isis! What a hoot! I hope she got those socks under total control! And Emma's yoga! Gee, you could sell that! A beautiful cat and yoga . . . what could be more relaxing!

Mary the Digital Knitter said...

Speaking of socks and toys, one of my collies used to play Elephant with my husband in the morning sometimes. Before my husband would put his socks on, he'd slip one of them over the collie's nose maybe halfway. The dog would delightedly shake his head around, paw at the sock, and generally have a great time. Then my husband would pull on the free end, the sock would slide off, and the dog would wait, excitedly, to do it again with the second sock.

I never did figure out who was having the most fun, the dog or the husband.