
Cats in Things, Featuring Isis

Cat in a Bib

I had Isis try on a baby bib I just finished knitting. Chaos and Mayhem seem to enjoy trying on new knitted items, so why not?

What’s this?


You down there…is this my color?

Get it off of me!

I got it! I got it! It’ll never try to harm you again!

Cat in Clean Laundry

Well, Morgan, they think it’s clean…

Cat in a Box

I thought we bought a coffee maker yesterday.

But there was an Isis in the box instead.

Who me?

You mean I’m not the shiny black model you ordered?


Zenknitter LesleyD said...

Your cats are adorable!!! I miss having a cat. DH is alergic to dander. Love the pic!!

Mouse said...

Cute.. yes.. but can it make an espresso?

sunneshine said...

Not sure that I would trust Isis to make my coffee, I'm kinda picky -- but she sure looks good in the box!!

Unknown said...

Yes,Your cats are adorable!!!
Shiny black model is beatiful!!

( `·.¸♥
`·.¸ )
(.·´ ♥
`°. ♥
(``·.¸(``·.¸ ¸.·`´)¸.·`´)
«´¨·.¸¸.♥ Lunita =^.^= ♥.¸¸.·´¨`»
(¸.·`´(¸.·`´ ``·.¸)``·.¸)

Andree said...

What great pictures! You take their photos so well! I'm glad they work together on these projects: no telling (like with the bib) when you need help! (The color is perfect for Isis!)

Luna und Luzie said...

Wonderful pictures, all adorable cats !!!
Our cats loves boxes and laundry baskets but not baby bibs on. But they loves to lie on it.
Have a catly week -´`-´`-

kuanyin333 said...

Too funny your photos! Cats love tight boxes and hiding places, so I imagine your cat loved being wrapped up in your knit.

TorAa said...

Oh my, how on earth did you get Isis into.... how, don't scrach me, Felicia just had a glimpse and ran away..:))

And what's more tempting than clean laundry? purr-purr.

Try a winebox instead next time, and you have the perfect teeth brush:))


Chris said...

I love it! Especially her expression in the "Hey" picture. I have a Krups espresso maker, but it seems a wee bit less fuzzy than yours.... (And I'm not sure "enjoy" is the right word for their feelings on wearing knitted items....)

Suzanne R said...

Very cute cats -- your pictures are great, too! My cats don't tolerate items on them very well, but I have some costumes that I occasionally get out to torture them with. ;-) Your kitty seems to have taken the trying-on thing quite nicely.

Anonymous said...

Hi-Glad to see Cats on Tuesday is back. It looks like your cats just love to pose for the camera.
What great pictures. :)

Brenda said...

Isis is a cutie! I thought she seemed pretty sporting about the whole bib modeling gig.

Obsidian Kitten said...

be forewarned that this fuzzy black model doesn't even *make* espresso. i'd return it if it weren't so dern cute...

Isis is so funny...it's not so much that she's patient, it just took her a minute to notice that something was amiss. then i got her cranky "Hey!" expression.

sometimes she is a bit slow to catch on to things...Morgan is so active and completely engaged with everything; I often see Isis staring at Morgan with what we call the Surprised-Owl expression...or a vaguely puzzled "whatcha-doin/how'd ya get up there/howja do *that*?" look.

Isis, in fact, got herself stuck on top of the fridge the other day...she's seen Morgan leap on and off of it effortlessly so many times (Morgan's much smaller than Isis and far more agile)--doing it herself was a whole different matter...and Isis couldn't for the life of her figure out how to get down! (Yes, I was a nice kitty-mama and rescued her...she looked comletely baffled by the whole affair: "But Mom! Morgan does it all the time!")

Ingrid said...

What does my Lisa in your laundry ! Are you sure it's clean and washed ? The pictures are wonderful, I felt like in a cartoon !So funny ! and the poor Isis as fashion model !

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wonderful photos! Isis, you look lovely modelling that bib!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Does Isis really need a bib? One messy puss, eh? Gorgeous photos...but cats are so photogenic, aren't they?

MsFortuknit said...

thats hysterical!

RheLynn said...

I LOVE that 'Hey!' picture - priceless expression on Isis' face!

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure Chaos enjoyed posing for all the bib pictures......but fab shots of the kitten crew!

Anonymous said...

Really fun images.