Yesterday's Project Spectrum adventure in search of a grey, white and blue palette continued with an excursion into the barn.
This is the door at the north end of the barn.
Stairs to the hayloft. Back in 1973 they were in my parents' farmhouse next door.
Close-up of the steps. And yes, we do keep hay in the hayloft. It is also populated by owls, pigeons, barn swallows, and lots of bats.
South wall of Lacey, Switzer, and Pepper's stall.
Look who's here!
Is polar fleece tasty? Do fingers have milk in them? definitely no. Bummer!
I didn't want Thorn and Graty to feel left out--and they do rather fit the theme. The south end of the barn is really grey as well. The lean-to on the end of it is slated for reconstruction (one of these days...)
Beets for sheep. So far, these cans have proved (almost) raccoon-proof. Bungee cords discourage the ones that figure out how to open the lids.
Barn shelves.
A place where my mom is drying some flowers in the barn.
Hope you've enjoyed your little tour. Soon it'll be time for me to head back out and feed some hungry critters!
I must smell it ! A little voice told me to look at your blog today and it was really worthwhile ! I saw my beloved llamas (but not Pepper) and a little bit of your farm ! Looks like a paradise !
"One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it--it was the black kitten's fault entirely." (L. Carroll, Through the Looking Glass)
I'm Yankee-Born and Southern-Raised, which makes me kind of Southern Gothic (in the old literary sense of the word). After 15 years in the Big Apple, I spent 4 years on a farm in Michigan raising chickens and llamas and learning to spin, knit, and needle-felt. Now I'm back home in NYC with my much-beloved spouse and one crazy tortiseshell cat. You can also find me on as okitten.
Wonderful tour.. can I come live on your farm? I promise that I'll bring my own yarn and fiber!
I'm loving the tour - particularly Pepper's commentary!
heehee ~ everyone's invited!
now that's the snow's melted, i won't even make you shovel snow.
course, that means that the llama beans have thawed now, so we could start the spring barn clean-up -- funfun! =)
I'm so envious of your home and the animals!It's great you are so generous giving us all a tour!
I must smell it ! A little voice told me to look at your blog today and it was really worthwhile ! I saw my beloved llamas (but not Pepper) and a little bit of your farm ! Looks like a paradise !
What a great tour! I love those steps. And Pepper, of course. And Thorn and Graty....great project spectrum pix.
oh, but that IS Pepper! (in the pics above Thorn and Graty)
she's just a bit in the shadows (or she's getting so big and wooly that you can hardly recognize her anymore! lol)
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