I've started with my little maglets (above and below), since they were ready. I also have a whole bunch of notecards with pictures of our sheep, llamas (yes, including Pepper!), chickens (and chicks, of course), raccoons, farm views...they'll be on etsy just as soon as I get the finished cards photographed.
I've gussied the notecards up a bit with feathers, locks of fleece and fiber, hand-spun llama yarn and such. I'm also working on some needle-felted boxes (baskets? they're rectangular) trimmed with fiber from our critters; the one I just finished with a border of Thorn's white locks is really soft and light.
In the meantime, please go take a look, because (if you can't tell) I'm pretty excited.

congrats on the shop!! the magnets are cute :)
Congrats! How fun.
Hooray! I'm so glad you decided to do it.. and I can't wait to see the other cards. The feather in each card is a brilliant idea. Gorgeous! Hooray! (I added you to my favorite sellers on Etsy as well..)
congratulations! I am of to check it out.
I'm adding you to my fave's!! Congrats!! Etsy is so much fun - I hope you love it!!
I'm just way too lazy for an etsy shop. I keep threatening t open one but I never get around to it!
And one can never have too many fridge magnets. I don't need to know what color the fool thing is. Right now I'm lucky enough to have metal 1940's cabinets as well so you can imagine that my kitchen is where old fridge magnets go to die.
How wonderful....We will be watching. I hear this is a part of Ebay...
Have a Great weekend
A big hug sent your way
how COOL are YOU? heheh... congrats i love etsy... its wonderful to know there are so many talented people out there & love the magnets & lil chick notecards... good luck & good for you!
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