
Hot Weather Cats

Morgan Freeman LeFay

Morgan lets herself into the cabinet where I keep all the extra bags...

...where she makes herself a nice little nest.

When she emerges, of course, she needs a good stretch.

Isis Kyle

Isis mostly mopes around on the couch.

I think she wonders why we can't make it any cooler for her.

Emma Fife Peele

The linoleum under the kitchen table is usually nice and cool.

However, it's far easier to survey your kingdom when you're draped over the back of the couch...

...unless you happen to nod off while observing your subjects.


Anonymous said...

Very cute, I love Morgan's nest! Isn't it funny how you can usually tell hot weather cats from cold weather cats just by a picture! They are very spread out (except for when in nests of course).

Ingrid said...

Morgen choose the best place, lol ! Pookie loves plastic bags too.
This morning little Rosie wanted to eat with Lisa out of the same bowl, Lisa as a walking stomac just turned aroun and gave her a slap in the face and continued to eat, I really had to laugh !

srp said...

Our cats feign being hot to come in from the sun room and sleep on the bed. But before you know it they are back on the porch sunroom and catching some rays! Even in hot and humid Mississippi, Miss Clover loved to stay in the garage better than in the house! I would like to do that sleeping pose as well.... SOON!

FelineFrisky said...

Actually, plastic bags have an ingredient in them that smells like fresh meat to a cat. Please watch that she doesn't chew at the bags.

What cuties you have. During the summer months, ours are limp rags most of the time, too! LOL

D :)

Anonymous said...

Summer or winter, my Seli is sleeping under a blanket. Unless she can get in the sun and then she's a comatose solar kitty. Aren't cats great!

Obsidian Kitten said...

felinefrisky -- i had no idea about the meat scent ~ how odd! no, she doesn't chew on them, just climbs into the bags of bags for a few minutes, and them emerges. it's so weird! i used to worry about them suffocating, but they don't seem to want to burrow into the individual bags, either. i think she just likes to be in the bag of bags.

Anonymous said...

Well, you cats have a great life.
Our cat, Otto, also has a wonderful life. He is still sleeping on our bed at 10am but he had us up at 4.30am this morning, once again, wanting to eat. He always has some dry food available to him, but he wants his wet food. Wish I could reset his clock. He is so lucky we love him so much...LOL
Enjoy Tuesday.

TorAa said...

Wonderful - they are so clever to find "their" places. Great entry.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You all have great places to hang out when the weather's hot. I hope it cools off for you soon.

mrspao said...

Hehe :) They look even more relaxed than ever!

Dorothy said...

Now I know why Gretchen chews on plastic bags. I really have to watch her around plastic.
You're cats are lovely, look so comfy.

Andree said...

What gorgeous cats! What great pics! I especially enjoyed Morgan's photo while she was stretching.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Hot chicks, hot cats...do you have hot dogs? Smirk.

Lovely puddy tats they are. Cats and cupboards seem to mesh very well...Oscar used to love cupboards and I had to make sure they were closed, although he could hook some open if he worked at it long enough. Trouble is, he never learnt to shut the doors after him.

Chris said...

Oh, yes, the accusatory eyes... We have the air on here, so they are happy lively kitties. I just need to remember to NOT turn the air on at such a time that the cats will be revived just at my bedtime. :)