
We're Five

Five years ago today Mr. O'Kitten and I were pronounced woman and husband. Hooray!

So we're five now. That makes us old enough for kindergarten, but I think I'd rather be in pre-school again. In pre-school they give you play-dough, and all the fat crayons you can eat.


Anonymous said...

...and white paper paste. YUM

Seriously ...happy fifth anniversary. Wishing you many, MANY more happy years!

Mouse said...

Happy Fifth anniversary!
(and wow what a fabulous dress!)
Hubby and I will be celebrating our 10th this coming February..

Ingrid said...

Congratulations ! Continue like this and you will reach what we celebrate this year 38 years of mariage !

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Congratulations, 5 years is a milestone. Here's to many, many more happy years.
Cheers, Meow

Puss-in-Boots said...

Oh Congratulations to you both! Love the costumes...what a great idea!

DAWN said...

Congratulations and here is to many more great years ahead for the both of you. Your wedding photos make your big day look like so much fun!! Love it!

Barb said...

Happy Anniversary :)

mrspao said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! What an awesome wedding :)

BEESTLYproducts said...

AWWWWWWW! your wedding looked like fun. how cute!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You two seem very happy. Lovely wedding pictures!

Alison said...

What fantastic outfits!Happy Anniversary and may you have many, many more

Anonymous said...

How did I not know this about you before? Rick and I turned 6 on June 16 - the day after you turned 5!

June 15 was also my parents' anniversary; June 17 is Rick's parents', and his brother and sister-in-law turn 5 on June 18.

Happy Anniversaries all around!

Anonymous said...

wow... has it been 5 yrs since then already? congrats hun... i still remember that day :)

Obsidian Kitten said...

thanks to everyone for all the well-wishes!

ros can tell you whether anyone had fun or not, lol

but i did! i had a blast.

and the cake...mmmm CAKE!

Anonymous said...

Happy (Belated) anniversary! A Theme wedding, Fun !

sunneshine said...

Happy Anniversary! I think this is the most under-celebrated of occasions. It is work to be married and happy - I hope you it was a wonderful day!!

Anonymous said...

Happy fifth anniversary...These years just fly by so fast.

What a great time we had at your wedding...

Chris said...

Aw, happy anniversary!