
New York, New York

I'm in New York! In the first 24 hours, I've enjoyed having a bellyful of pizza and a poppy bagel the size of a loaf of bread. It's heaven. Not to mention talked to roxtarchicknits on the phone...heehee! If she weren't in midtown--a hot, long, steamy ride on the subway, with the potential for blackouts that might strand me underground for who knows how long--I'd probably be on my way to meet her right now. But I spent too many years in the city in the dead of summer to risk getting stuck on a train packed with a bunch of sweaty communters, as much as I'd love to meet her. There's always my next trip...

This evening I plan to go into Manhattan to shop for paper, meet a dear friend from Georgia, and hopefully gorge ourselves on some delectable Vietnamese food--yet one more thing I haven't been able to find in Michigan, not to mention that Mr. O'Kitten won't partake of the Asian cuisines or the seafood. (He's more the meat and potatoes and pizza type; he'll be back here in Queens eating my mother-in-law's eggplant parmagiana...but maybe they'll save me a little.)

Hopefully the cats aren't wrecking too much havoc back home while my mom is looking after them. I told them to be on their best behaviour, but with cats, you just never know.


Mouse said...

I'm sure the cats and the llamas are having a wild party as you type... hee hee.

Beth said...

I was hoping you culd bring me a bagel. I like the onion ones or poppy or everything or salt or egg...o.k. I like them all. I was going to ask for a pizza but that doesn't travel as well and you know it's hard for us Philly girls who live in the heart of the land of generic pizza.
Also, can you go to Habu and pick me up something in steel.
Have fun!

Chris said...

"Good behavior" to your cats might mean complete redecorating, with the tools they have on hand... Teeth, claws, and puke!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the cats are behaving. Badly, possibly.

Oh yum, Vietnamese/Asian food! You've got to move to the SF Bay Area. We have it all.

Have fun!

Ingrid said...

You seem to have a wonderful time ! When you are back you have to run behind your chickens to get rid of extra pizza and bagle weight, lol ! I just can imagine you !

mrspao said...

Oh wow! I'd love to hear more about great places to go in New York. :)

Puss-in-Boots said...

Ok, Mrs O'Kitten, be prepared to find your house completely refurbished! Just because you warned them to behave doesn't mean they will...lol!

I adore Vietnamese cuisine...I have a friend who is from Vietnam and I love going to her place for dinner as her husband is from Pakistan. We have the most interesting mix of cuisines.

Enjoy New York!

RheLynn said...

I'm sure Isis with her opposable thumbs can wield a few more tools, like hammers and hacksaws.. just only when you're not looking! Morgan can supervise and direct the redecorating.

Sounds like you're having a wonderful time! Never had Vietnamese food, but do miss Chinese food from a very specific shop once in a while.. yummy cream cheese wontons!

BEESTLYproducts said...

AHHHHHHHH! queens! don't you just love the country? lol.

Alpaca Granny said...

Did you go to the Etsy party?

Anonymous said...

zowie mama! Cant wait to hear it all... let me know what time is good and Ill call you tomorrow or whenever fits k?

Kisses and tons of misses sweetie!
Hi to Chris