
I Heart NY

So Mr. O'Kitten and I are off to the Big Apple for a few days. Woo-hoo! My niece's christening is on Sunday, and we get to visit family, a few dear friends, and the city we miss. Not to mention eat real bagels and real pizza. Nothing against Michigan, but you can't get a real bagel or decent pizza here to save your life.

Here's what I'm talking about:

Are you drooling yet? I am.

We're at John's Pizzeria on Bleecker St., of course.

This pizza alone is worth the trip all the way to NY.

Don't even get me started on the bagels. And the lox. With cream cheese. And capers. Last time I flew back east I swear I could smell fresh bagels the whole way there.

While I'm in NY, I plan to make a little visit to Etsy Labs in Brooklyn. They're having a trunk show party on Friday evening. If any of y'all are planning to go, look for me, because I'm not going to know anybody. I'll be the one wearing the Obsidian Kitten shirt and looking like she doesn't know anybody.


Ingrid said...

How nice for you ! Must be a whole organization when you both go on a trip with all your animals to feet !
All italian food in NY is very good ! So many Italian immigrants settled down there at the very beginning.
BTW Do you know why so many Italians are called TONY ? Because when they arrived in Ellis Island and were asked about were they wished to go they answered "TO NEW YORK" and got a label TO NY ! (this wisdom I learned from my DH !)

Anonymous said...

My Italian grandfather came to NY via Ellis Island in 1910 at age 14. The food is fantastic. I'm much more at home in rural VT than I ever am in the city, any city. But what a great place to visit!

Anonymous said...

Have a good trip! There ain't NOTHIN' better than a NY pie!

RheLynn said...

Wow - have a great time! I didn't even know about the Etsy labs thing, how cool!

Ahh... pizza. You should see Mark make pizza.. it is all nice and delicious then he burns it to a crisp which makes it 'done.' Is it done yet? Nope, it hasn't caught fire yet. Eep! Luckily I get a few slices before that ;)

Chris said...

Oh, have fun!! Especially fun noshing.

Gothknits said...

aaaahhhh!!! You're going to be so close and I'm working all weekend. Bummer.

Thanks for the lox craving. Now I must go hunt some down. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see both of you.
Welcome home, once again.

Anonymous said...

Oh, fun! I have never been to NYC.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Oooh, have a wonderful time, and enjoy the pizza, bagels and lox !!
Take care, Meow

mrspao said...

Oooh you're making me feel quite excited because we're going to be in NY in less than two months!! :)

BEESTLYproducts said...

i'm pretty sure, if they weren't so expensive, i would eat capers all day.... Have fun @ Etsy Labs!!!! that place looks amazing now!