If you feel deprived of your regularly scheduled programming, please check out the Cats on Tuesday blogroll in the left sidebar and click on any of the other participants...I assure you that they will all be far funnier, more intelligent, coherent, and compelling than I can be under current PMS conditions.
Because I pretty much feel like this:

oh sweetie, right there with you. come on over we will drown ourselves in wine and yarn.
Sometimes I feel like PMS hits because I am too nice in my life and this is nature's way of making me express my darker emotions...
I hope the cats take good care of you!
Oh, man, that was me last Tuesday, curled up into a little whimpering fetal ball. I hope you feel better soon!
Oh, my! Been there, friend. Rest well. Eat chocolate, drink lightly and growl frequently. this helps, really! D :)
I call it my monthly "Oil Change." Although now that I think about it... I don't really like to be "serviced" at that time. ;)
Wow, you only look like this for a few days... Clover looks like this all the time.
Take care of yourself and get some needed rest. You will be purring soon.
Aww.. I spent the last week doped up on pain medication and hanging out with the heating pad. Don't kill anybody.. I hear they don't let you knit in jail.
no knitting in jail?
darn! must be something about the pointy sticks...
**ah** :o( Hope you feel better soon (but that is still a great Morgan pic)
Commiserations...you'll be ok in a few days and we'll look forward to seeing you when you feel more like yourself.
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