
I'm Eleven!

I'm eleven today! Well, eleven years clean and sober, that is. And if I don't have you guys to tell about it, who am I gonna tell? (I already told the llamas and the chickens and the sheep. They weren't terribly impressed.)

In honor of the occasion, Isis caught me a mouse. Actually, I don't think she actually caught it for me. I think she simply caught it. Then she didn't know how to kill it--no one ever showed her how to do that. She just carried it around in her mouth for two hours (I had no idea she had such a long attention span), growling and hissing like some horror movie demon in dire need of an exorcism, at which point I noticed the poor mouse was {gasp} still alive.

I don't think she meant to be terrifically cruel. I honestly believe she didn't know what to do with it. (As I've mentioned previously, she does enjoy carrying toys and toothbrushes and the like around in her mouth.) And when she put said mouse down, it tried--most heartbreakingly--to crawl away. Hence, the continued carrying.

I chased growling, hissing cat into the kitchen with the prize dangling from her mouth. I cornered her but she simply would not release her toy to allow me to put it out of its misery. (Unfortunately, it was far beyond saving at this point.)

Since I couldn't get the mouse out of her jaws, I did the only thing a very emotional woman with terrible PMS could think to do in such a crisis situation--I snapped its tiny neck while she viciously clung to it, cursing me through clenched teeth.

I've never killed anything with my bare hands before; I felt sick; PMS sent me reeling off into another room on the verge of tears.

What can I say--Mother Nature is a cruel mistress.

Now I have to go find the deceased before it turns up between the couch cushions, in a slipper, or somewhere equally as appealing...


Ingrid said...

Congratulations ! I am happy to stop by on the right day ! It's wonderful!! I am sober since 1 1/2 years and enjoy life everyday. Isn't it like being new born ? Today when I only smell alcohol, I get sick ! Your mouse hunting description was wonderful, I thought I were in the same room ! Only Pookie is a mouse catcher here and brings the mouse home always alive ! It is horrible. Once I had a mouse for 4 days under the cupboard in the living room. I had put cheese under the table to get her out and indeed she did, ate the cheese sat up and washed her face ! Finally Mr. Gattino catched her with a newspaper and brought her in the yard. Pookie didn't bother at all ! Arthur thinks a mouse is a kitten and would rather protect it. Kim would run away, she is afraid of everything and Lisa, yes good old Lisa is too snobbish for such a vulgar behaviour !

BEESTLYproducts said...

*hugz* congrats!

mrspao said...

Congratulations on 11. It is quite an achievement. I'm sorry to hear about the mouse though. It was the kindest thing to do.

Chris said...

Congratulation!!!! Hmm, Isis has a very strange idea of celebration, doesn't she?! Maybe she learned from you that she needs to kill the mouse next time...

Mouse said...

Congrats! After watching my husband go through just 5 - I'm super proud of your 11 years!

Anonymous said...

Good job with the mouse. How absolutely horrible, but you did the best thing. Congratulations on your anniversary!

Obsidian Kitten said...

Thanks for all the kind words!

Maybe I'll tell Isis that next year I'd rather have cake.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I am on 4 years and counting. :)

Obsidian Kitten said...

congrats, jessecoug! yay!!!