

Treat time for sheep. They just love dried beet pulp. (Go figure...)

You may remember that I told you that Tyr had been bottle-raised. Well, he does follow me around like Mary's Little Lamb. I couldn't get far enough away from him to get a better angle--and yes, that's my knee in the bottom of the photo. (He's convinced I must have more treats in my pockets.)

Thorn carries himself like he's a 500-hundred pound ram, not a 100-pound fellow who's recently been neutered. Obviously, he fancies himself very grand and very handsome.


Puss-in-Boots said...

My daughters had lambs as pets when we were on the farm. Of course, they grew into sheep, didn't they and someone left the yard gate open. Consequently I had sheep in the kitchen and under the table.

RheLynn said...

Thorn and Tyr are beautiful boys! I can't wait to see what you do with their wool when shearing time comes :)

Tyr esp. sounds like a sweetheart (makes me miss my Sallycat more, oddly...)

Ingrid said...

It's raining cats and dogs as usual and so I do a little walk through blogville and of course here to look at the animals ! And what do I see : The blogging chicks ! It's a pitty I didn't see it before, otherwise I would have stolen again and put a chicken picture as entry ! Your sheep is really cute, you are so lucky to live with so many animals, even if I am sure, it's a lot of work too !

BEESTLYproducts said...

awwwww! I always imagined sheep were hairy-er. I guess that's what you get living in suburbia. I know absolutely nothing about animals.

mrspao said...

Oh they are beautiful!

Chris said...

Beet pulp??

Obsidian Kitten said...

oh yeah--apparently it's the part that's left over after they process beets for, i dunno, canning or making sugar or whatever. it looks kind of like a cross between All-Bran and shredded wheat. yummy! =)