
A Message from Pepper

Hi! I told O'Kitten that now that I'm 19 weeks old she better show everybody how big I'm getting, and how fuzzy my winter coat is! I don't mind the snow one bit.

Here's me in my new halter. Don't I look just like a grown-up llama?

Someone's looking over my shoulder...it must be that weird guy Graty. I think he's a little creepy...he's always watching us girls.

Here's me eating hay with my mamma. She's trying to spit at my grandma. I think it's funny!

I still like milk, but Mamma won't let me have so much anymore. Sometimes she even kicks me when I try to get some! Last week I decided to try eating the crumbly food O'Kitten gives Mamma and Grandma. At first I thought it ws yucky, but now I like it.

Here's me eating out of my grown-up dish. I wouldn't eat the crumbles out of O'Kitten's hand, but now that I have my very own dish it's okay. Especially when she mixes the crumbly bits with oats.

Oh, here I have an itch. You can see the peppery spots on my tail! I don't think I said she could put this picture in, it's kinda embarrassing...


Anonymous said...

What a pretty girl pepper is. Graty is also very handsome. I so much enjoy seeing pictures of the farm animals. It give a city woman a little look at farm life. Thanks

Anonymous said...

The above is from Joanie...

Chris said...

What a wonderful blog post, Pepper!!! Not every llama can blog, you know.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but it's so cute! Pepper is growing up, but still a sugar baby.

sunneshine said...

Pepper, what a gorgeous llama you are!! And so smart!! Tell your mama that I love the Valentine's post -- even though I am a couple days late. Keep eatting your crunchy food, like a good little one!

Ingrid said...

phhhh, phhh I am breathless ! as soon as I got the email from your mum, I ran over to look at you ! What a big girl you already are ! and I remember you as a little new born baby ! I admire your long eylashes, and am jalous !
I would have loved if my mother would have spit on my grandma ! (the one I didn't like that much) but she never did (sigh) !

Ingrid said...

Of course I meant O'Kitten who sent me an email not your mum ! But with these blogging cats I get mixed up !

Andree said...

OH llamas! They are so cool! And yours are so beautiful. You are so lucky to have them. The photos are great! I've been wanting to have alpacas but I'm not home enough.

Puss-in-Boots said...

I love llamas and they make wonderful pets as do alpacas. Both breeds have the most wonderful long eyelashes. Pepper is a very cute baby.

Mouse said...

Awww.. you're gonna make me try to hide a llama in my yard again aren't you? showing me all this cuteness!

mrspao said...

You're so lovely, Pepper :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Pepper, what a beautiful young lady you are! I'm loving the winter coat you've grown. In fact, I would love to feel some of it come shearing time. But you didn't hear about shearing time from me...cough

Z said...

The Llama make me want to knit some mittens.

TorAa said...

What a lovely entry. Absolutely adoring. The Llamas are really fantastic animals. I've seem them (and their "sisters" Alpachas, Guenacos and the Vicunas) in the Andes.

Thanks for sharing.

Do you have a Llama farm? In Michigan?

Obsidian Kitten said...

Well, we live on a farm, and have five llamas (plus the two Icelandic sheep and a bunch of chickens)--but it's not really a llama farm. And oh yes, it is in Michigan. lol

The llamas remind me of cats in a lot of ways--they are so alert with their big eyes, curious about everything, and have very distinct personalities. Ours are all halter-trained and really like to go for walks around the farm, but first they must make it clear that they are cooperating with the silly humans *only* because *they* feel like it--not because we want them to!

Until we had llamas, I never knew that they hummed, either. Okay, it's not exactly a purr, but it's really funny.

Plus, they're soft and furry!

RheLynn said...

Pepper is getting very big indeed! Nice tale of how she has to start eating the crumbly food now ;o)