
When You Put Things on Cats

...Sometimes They Don't Mind

Here Isis models a Skully I made.

Copernicus (who is no longer with us) looked very dashing in his Sandy Claws outfit.

Copernicus as a Musketeer in a hat Mr. O'Kitten fashioned for him.

Copernicus was an excellent sport; he even let me put socks on his head.

He often accompanied me to the shop I worked in, and was a huge hit with customers (two- and four-legged alike). He had a lovely little winter coat (it was actually a doggy coat, although I never told him) that he wore on cold winter days.

More good sports modelling chilly-day items. (No, knitting the S'n'B Snowball bed just wasn't enough; I had yarn left over and simply had to make a matching blankie--or perhaps it's a red carpet to roll out for the royalty.)

More stuff on cats. I don't think anything ever annoyed Grey Cat.

Cats with knitting on them (on me).

This little striped cat stole a little striped work-in-progress and got caught in the act--with the unfinished knitting right on her tail.

...And Sometimes They Get a Little Irked

This would be Her Emmanence. And yes, she is most definitely annoyed.

Cats on Cats

Kitten on kitten.

Morgan on Isis.

Isis on Morgan.

Grey on a small Morgan.

A big Grey Cat and a very small Isis on O'Kitten.

Happy Tuesday everyone!


Ingrid said...

He, he, still laughing ! Do you know that there is a site called "Stuff on your cat" and people all over the world send pictures with stuff on cats. Even stamps ! I once send a picture of Arthur completely "boozed" with a bottle of Wodka between his paws, but it wasn't accepted. Later I understood why : there were so many pictures of cats with bottles looking completely out !
Between us : yesterday I looked for a hat for Pookie in the doll section of a Toy shop ! Couldn't find any (sigh).

marianne said...

oh my, my kitties would never tolerate me trying to put anything on them! Yours are very good sports about it all. Too cute! :)

Caylynn said...

Wonderful photos. :) I really like the photo of Copernicus as a Musketeer!

Dragonheart doesn't mind wearing clothes. I've crocheted several sweaters for him, and bought one, and he doesn't seem to mind wearing them.

Chris said...

Those are such fun pictures! Thanks for sharing.

FelineFrisky said...

You have beautiful babies! Mine don't snuggle one another at all. They have their "purrsonal" spaces. Love the sock on Copernicus! Ours do not tolerate being dressed up. sigh.... Fuddy duddies! LOL D :)

srp said...

Not one of our seven cats will allow any form of clothing. I do have one that will burrow under covers and anything left on the bed. She likes to make her cave and look out at the world. These are adorable... especially the pictures of the cats on top of each other.

Anonymous said...

My past cat or our cat now does not allow us to put any type of clothing on him. He will fight us all the way. My friend has owned a few dogs and cats and every pet she has she was able to dress up, especially for those holiday pictures. She told me the secret is to start when they are very young.
Have a Happy Tuesday...

Anonymous said...

My past cat or our cat now does not allow us to put any type of clothing on him. He will fight us all the way. My friend has owned a few dogs and cats and every pet she has she was able to dress up, especially for those holiday pictures. She told me the secret is to start when they are very young.
Have a Happy Tuesday...

kuanyin333 said...

ROFL!!! Great post! Happy COT! I have a video of Cats Talking on mine today!!!

Meow (aka Connie) said...

What wonderful photos ... you are very lucky, my kitty totally refuses to wear anything !!!
Take care, Meow

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Copernicus is very handsome! He looks very handsome in his musketeers costume! :)

Andree said...

I just can't figure out how you can knit with cats around! I gave that up ages and ages ago (not that I was as good and talented as you)! And I loved your cats on cats photos. They were so pretty together!

BEESTLYproducts said...

cuteness overload!

RheLynn said...

Heh - your cats are very good sports! Copernicus was especially - and sounded like a very cool cat.

Morgan and Isis are so cute how they curl up together (and as you've shown, on each other). I've never seen that first picture of them - they both look tiny there!