Cat Bath

On Bananas and Squash Soup
Here’s an update on my efforts to nourish myself a little better this year. As you know, the cats, llamas, chickens, and sheep eat very well around here. (This week, the cats are enjoying Polenta with Salmon and Mackerel.)
So this week I bought two nice, smooth, yellow-green bananas. Once they get brown spots on them, I get all finicky and don’t want them anymore. I ate one of them. An hour later, I found the other on the floor. And it looked like this:

I’m sure Nature-Mamma Morgan is the culprit. Don’t those look like her little claw and fang marks? I couldn’t tell you what this poor banana did to offend her, but it certainly looks well-abused.
Then again, maybe she just wanted to find out what Mother Nature had hidden inside such an odd yellow package.

I had more success with the batch of Cream of Squash Soup I made. I adapted it from a recipe I found in the most recent issue of Bust. Not a huge fan of the vegetables, me…but this turned out fairly well. And isn’t it pretty? (Um, squash is a vegetable, right?)
As far as I know, it's a vegetable! :) Looks tasty.
Great bath pictures - Isis has that "I WILL wash you, so just stop squirming" thing going on.
lol @ the icky banana! When I'm feeling crazy I throw some rice in my squash soup.... it makes my heart smile :-)
Yummy - you are making me hungry for lunch (the soup not the banana)! And soup is so good for you, too!
Yes, pleasant taste aside, it's a vegetable. Vegetables are good. I was absurdly happy to see that it was Squash soup and not Banana & Squash soup which sounds sketchy.
I can't eat too raw bananas or too ripe ones. Ewww.
Such a nice cat bath.
Sometimes it is hard to tell if they are bathing or getting ready to bite the other's neck. This kitty looks quite pleased with the outcome.
Happy New Year (yes, I am a bit late, hun).
squash? I have yet to adopt a likin' to squash soup, but you actually make me want to try it again... particularly b/c it looks like my favorite, Split Pea (not quite a veggie, since it is a legume, but close enough in my book). It does look yummy...
And your kittens are getting so big! Man, I miss that phase... they're so cute when they're growing!
Wow! a bathing that doesn't end up in a death match!?!? not in this house. Lucky.
Soup looks good. I can send you some good soup ideas. Or better yet hire me as your cook, and let me knit when you aren't hungry!
What a post: Cats, Bananas and Squash.
Your cats sure are good friends and take good care of each other. And they (at least one) have found a new, yellow Toy :-))
Squash, we love it. We let them grow until they are bigger than my calf. Then we have food for a Week.
How cute this washing ! My cats are a little afraid because we have right now a strong storm here in Belgium (75 m/h) ! It whistles and blows around the house but so far we didn't blow away (yet) Sometimes it sounds like a thunderstorm. There will probably be a lot of damages. Strange weather in the whole world !
Come from time to time to check my cat blog. Nobody is used that I also write besides tuesday, so I sit here with my post about Arthur and nobody reads it. Poor me !
seriously is that why you had to get off the phone to eat that yummy looking soup? wow! How yummty looking! hahah
PS The kats, wow they could teach Sev's kats a think or two about being kind! hahaha
That soup looks nice. I might have to make some :)
I love the cat bath photos!!
Botanically speaking, a squash is a fruit. Essentially (and this is a gross oversimplification) a plant part designed for the protection and conveyance of the seeds is the fruit of said plant; any non-seed-containing portion of the plant is a vegetable.
Cute Nyago bowl too! :)
I wondered if anyone would notice Nyago! ;)
So very cute - they are really loving and good with each other!
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