Caught in the Act

If I didn't have a picture to prove it, I wouldn’t believe this. Actual contact bewteen Emma and the kittens. I got this shot by sneaking up on them in almost total darkness. I’m certain that Emma was sure no one would catch her lounging about with the youngsters like this in the dead of night...
Holiday Leftovers

As I am considered to be Our Lady of Perpetual PMS, Mr. O’Kitten generously made me this little token as a holiday treat.
I promised him that if he photographed San-tampon, I would post him as soon as it was that time of the month--yet again. Now you, too, can have nightmares of San-tampon dancing with the sugarplums in your head. (Oh, how I do love to share.)
And while I’m spreading the warm, fuzzy visions, and since I seem to have a Colm Meaney theme going on this month:

I love that photo of those three cats together. Emma Peel must have a secret soft spot :)
Love the slippers - perfect for the O.K.
My DD gave me slippers that look like Siamese cats, complete with paws and tails. However, my cats are afraid of them, so they have only been worn that one Christmas morning.
I love the paw slippers.. they are excellent!
Hi, thanks for your mail ! I slowly return to every day routine ! After two weeks of non stop sunshine and 78F it's quite hard to look into the grey and rainy weather !
I admire Mr. O'Kitten's artistic creation it really is modern art and should be part of an exposition ! Your cat "salad" is too cute ! I also got some of those furry slippers in cat form but when I put them on for the first time and found myself so cute and elegant,my 4 cats got a shock and fleed like hunted deers ! I had to put them away, it was impossible to wear them ! But I would love to wear these big black paws (with iron claws) so that I could kick those who bother me !
Just love the cats sharing sleep time together. Great picture!!!
I guess that is what our cat, Otto, is missing as he only has us to snuggle with.
Mr. O'kitten sure has a fun sense of humor. You know it runs in the family--LOL.
Have a wonderful day.
That tampon looks pretty friendly. (And happy!?) Who doesn't want a tampon full of Christmas cheer!
Please don't forget CATS ON TUESDAY and PLEASE read the rules
Sorry, this is a standard comment as I don't know how to remind you otherwise. Any idea ?
OHMIGOD, I love San-tampon! Hee hee. Things could get pretty out of hand bedecking him in holiday colors...
And I totally covet your new black paw slippers!
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