I found a few things on
etsy today that I thought you might enjoy as much as I did. Like these organic
catnip eyeballs...
...And these Huggy Buddy cat pillows, also filled with organic catnip and rattly beads and jinglies.If you like those sleek, mod cat beds on moderncat.net, you should see the ones at Like Kittysville, "A swank pad for your hep cat or mini dog." Vintage fabrics, great design, good price, and they come apart for washing. So cool.Don't knit? Mojo Place's Grandma Gooch will knit your cat (or dog) their own pet holiday stocking (or even a whole pet blanket, and you won't believe the low price, either). Cute catnip toys, too--like a snake and a hedgehog.But maybe you need something just for you...
...Like this tee from PengCath. (Note that Clever Kitty is not to be confused with Bad Kitty, Wonder Kitty, Pretty Kitty, Moustache Kitty, Spoiled Kitty, or Pirate Kitty).PengCath, an illustrator, also has a great holiday card. She says, "I created this card several Christmases ago to honour my kitty Suki's first Christmas. Doesn't she look so thrilled?"And guess what? I think I found my
Christmas cards at
crankycats. Now I can rest easy for the remainder of the holiday season. Doesn't this pretty much say it all?
What, no things made out of kitties?
*timid wave*
I've been sorely afflicted with anti-social moroseness. (not much of an excuse but it's all I got, damn me) New email under my blogger profile. The old one is crammed so full of spam I can't even fool with it.
Curse me!
Crap. I just bought some cards. I'll feature this post the next time I do a linky post - great finds!
Bugger, I have my Christmas cards...I'd have loved to get cat ones. Oh well, never mind, maybe next year.
As for the catnip eyeballs...eeeww, they're a bit to realistic for me. I really don't think I'd enjoy finding one of those in my bed and believe me, that's where it would end up...like other toys!
Wow, lots of catty goodness!
Oooh, those are cute things on etsy!
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